Last night we found out a very important thing, ZIVANIA is evil and should be banned. W
We are being visited today by Kristina, Anna thinks that it is the wife of the owner. She is going to give us the run down on all the local amenities and let us know what we can and can’t do.
We have to pick up Richard’s hire car today that is parked at the airport, he was too drunk to drive it when they arrived due to them not confirming the booking so had to shell out for a cab to the villa (not cheap – about 45 EUROS). (Ooh! Although the driver did offer around cigarettes. Which was weird. Rich had one. I didn’t.)
It’s a bit chilly and overcast this morning, its still a lot warmer than at home and I am sitting by the pool as I write thinking about getting breakfast... so I will!
Nice lazy morning today, we went off to get Richard’s car from the airport,.. wonderfully he has an almost brand spanking new Hyundai Atoz, its sooooo sweet! We drove them back to thehouse and walked down the hill to meet Sean, Laura and Spanna at the St George Hotel. Sean pointed out some ladies with no clothes on… what a wonderful view!
(Since Anna hasn’t filled you in on our exciting day (LAZY ANNA!), I will. While the boys went off to get the car, we hung out at the villa a bit. Pretty much straight away, an ice-cream man turned up and sold us lots of ice-cream for the freezer, and also three of the biggest cones you’ve ever seen. Seriously, the top was a bout 5 inches across, which doesn’t sound much, but when you extrapolate the data received, and turn it into a cone shape, you’ll see how big it was. Bear in mind normal cones are probably only about 2 inches across, and it’s even more exciting. Add in the fact that the ice-cream went all the way to the bottom of the cone, and then throw in chocolate dunking sauce and 2 (count ‘em!) flakes, it was ice-cream heaven. The girls didn’t finish theirs. I’m manly so I did. I can’t believe I actually forgot about this. I’ll remind myself later.)
We took a walk down to the seafront. I bought a hat from the little shop. It’s cool. I think it makes me look like an Australian. Andy thinks it makes me look like a gay cowboy. Possibly a gay Australian cowboy, I haven’t asked yet. Hang on, I will… He says not. There are no corks. I bought what could only be considered the most tacky piece of tat I’ve ever seen. And even if it didn’t win that title, it would definitely win the title of most pointless ornament ever. I mean,
(It only just about beats Sean’s Homeopathic Hat)
Anyway, after the shop, we walked on through the St George’s hotel, and round to their little man-made harbour-y beach type thing. It’s quite nice, but to be honest, I can’t understand the sort of people who go to resort hotels and don’t move from them. Yep, there’s a little beach thing there, but there’s an ACTUAL REAL LIFE, NATURAL BEACH just by it, so go there. British people are dumb.
Anyhoo, we carried on walking round, and as stated, I did, indeed, see breasticles. They were quite lovely. The sun is a wonderful thing. We also found a bit of foam stuff that looked like a penis. We put it with some rocks. Yes, a very mature holiday. Then the other boys arrived back. Unfortunately, they seemed to have decided that this means that I am now a girl for the duration. I like to think we had separated off into ‘sexy’ and ‘camp’ groups. I think everyone would agree if they thought about it sensibly.)
The seafront has come on loads in the last couple of years. It has gone from being a muddy
A quick trip to the local shop for some groceries and then back home for an immense lunch of salad, bread and tasty meats. (Andy loves tasty meats.)
This afternoon shall be very lazy indeed with a trip to Pafos this evening for sunset and dinner.
Things did not go according to the above mentioned ‘sunset and dinner’ plan. We lounged about for a few more hours until it got dark. Worryingly we seem to have come to Cyprus and have experienced the first downpour that the country has had for about 3 years (SWEENEY HOLIDAY CURSE!!!). It came down in torrents last night, loads of thunder and lightning and even a bit of hail. (Laura was uber-excited about the lightning. So much so that it got a bit annoying. Honestly, she was like some kind of child. Some kind of monkey child. Some kind of monkey child that had never seen lightning. I suppose in some lights it could have been quite cute. Unfortunately, not in lightning light.)
Seriously, they may mock, but I LOVE lightening (lightning). I also love the fact that when you’re on holiday thunder and lightening is not the pansy stuff that we have at home, but they’re proper MASSIVE storms that go on for HOURS!!! And this one was gorgeous. I’ll admit that after an hour or so of me squealing every time there was a flash, it could have been seen as slightly annoying, but I prefer to think it was endearing,
We found a nice restaurant (The Pelicans) on the Pafos harbour front.
Meat Meze for six… too much food... very good indeed. The nice man gave me dolmades – stuffed vine leaves and really really yummy.
Back to the house for a late night bit of TV (searching, for some reason, for porn. I can’t understand why people would want to watch that in a group, but there you go.) and then off to bed for about 2am. The thunder and lightning continued into the night.
Also today, the tan lines are developing nicely – and I managed to get out of the sun just before I burnt the tops of my legs. Finished the first book today, Dave Gorman – America Unchained.
Sean is learning Greek, and even the weirdy alphabet, I’m having a go as well, but he’s a bit clever. We’ll branch out to some more useful phrases soon as at the moment we can barely manage a “hello” and “thank you” between us. At least we’re trying!
The Greek alphabet is kinda odd, although not too bad once you get used to it. I’m going about things the hard way, learning the alphabet and the sounds, and then figuring out how to read words. So, I can read them, get them sounding about right, yet not understand any of them. I realised yesterday that, with where I am in my learning, I’m at about the same stage as a Greek four-year old. Comforting. Still, it’s worth making the effort, and at some point, I’ll just give in and learn phrases rather than letters. But this way is much fun too. ΦΥΧΚ ΥΩΟ
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